Others record their songs in their fathers log cabin in northeast Wisconsin and make it sound like it should; true, honest, heartfelt music. Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) is my idol. He's about 6'6", bearded, wears flannel...cool looking guy. The kind of guy you'd meet for a cold one at noon on a snowy day and talk about old Bob Dylan records, maybe while sharing an ashtray and a pack of Winston's.
Bon Iver is music. Bon Iver is how music should be done. Take your autotune, $450,000 tape delay, and your compression filters and put them outside in the snow, just past the barn, near the horse stable. Come into my log cabin, keep your boots on, dry your gloves by the crackling fire, grab a Keystone Light and listen to Bon Iver. Tell me that doesn't feel good.
what a pity he uses autotune in fact